Tests and Procedures

Heart scan (coronary calcium scan)

What you can expect

During the procedure

Before the scan begins, the technician attaches sensors, called electrodes, to your chest. These connect to a device that records your heart activity during the exam and coordinates the timing of X-ray pictures between heartbeats, when the heart muscles are relaxed.

During the heart scan, you lie on your back on a movable table, which slides into the tubelike CT scanner. Your head is outside the scanner the whole time. The exam room will likely be cool.

You may be given medication either by pill or injection that slows your heart. This helps ensure clear images. If you are nervous or anxious, you may be given medication to help you remain calm.

You'll be asked to lie still and hold your breath for a few seconds while the pictures are taken. The technician operates the scanner from a room next door, but can see and talk to you the entire time. The entire procedure should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

After the procedure

Usually, no special precautions are needed after having a heart scan. You should be able to drive yourself home and continue your daily activities.